Digital Chocolate has announced the launch of Vegas City on Apple iPhone and iPod Touch. The company plans to offer Vegas City on Apple iPad and Google Android devices soon. With already over 3.5 million monthly active users on Facebook since its November launch, Vegas City on iPhone and iPod touch integrates with users’ Facebook profiles.
“Vegas City is the latest in our growing portfolio of mobile social games,” said Marc Metis, President of Digital Chocolate. “We’re pleased to be able to offer this exciting brand to consumers who want to play on the go.”
In Vegas City, players build their own version of the famed Las Vegas strip, with a wide variety and style of luxurious hotels, casinos, resorts, golf courses, and landmarks, and decorate them with palm trees, fountains, and more. Gamers can take advantage of the iPhone and iPod touch’s intuitive controls to design and build casinos, manage guests as diverse as tourists, gamblers, and celebrities, and complete exciting missions to earn income. Using Facebook Connect, players can earn money and advance more quickly by inviting friends to help staff and manage their casinos.
Vegas City will be available to play for free on iPhone. Download at iTunes: