Microsoft late Wednesday said it had resumed sending out its frozen Samsung Windows Phone 7 update. The company said it had “pinpointed and fixed” the problem that had led the Focus and Omnia 7 to fail and in some cases brick when trying to get the patch.
The company didn’t explain what had caused the failure but has routinely tried to minimize the impact. It has claimed that 90 percent of WP7 updates worked properly from the start and that “nearly half” of those who failed did for alternate reasons. Its claim nonetheless meant that more than five percent of all Windows Phone 7 owners, likely tens of thousands of users, couldn’t get the patch.
All WP7 devices need the fix as a prep for the much larger NoDo update due on March 8, which adds copy-and-paste text and faster third-party app responsiveness. Every CDMA WP7 phone, such as the HTC Arrive and Trophy, will already have NoDo loaded.