Samsung’s string of US news on Wednesday brought its new line of 3D TV/PC display hybrids to the US for the first time. Both output a 1080p, 120Hz stereoscopic 3D picture on their 23- or 27-inch screens. They have PC inputs like DVI, but they also have two HDMI inputs and an ATSC tuner to take in video from a game console or Blu-ray player as well as to catch over-the-air HD.
The two also bring in some of the features from the TV-only realm, including support for Samsung TV apps, and can search across the whole local network to play content without having to turn on the host computer.
Differences between the two are slight. The TA950 headliner has a unique asymmetric design that moves most of the hardware into the base to keep the display itself thin. The TA750 uses the earlier, familiar “touch of color” look with a colored gradient at the edges.
Prices Will start at $599. Samsung hopes to sell both in the US in May