MSI has updated its GX series notebooks on Thursday with a new flagship. The GX680 uses a Sandy Bridge, 2GHz quad Core i7 and pairs it up with a new GeForce GT 555M to give it reasonably fast 3D.
Memory A Key Feature
The 15.6-inch system has four RAM slots, enough for 16GB of RAM for very heavy duty gaming or video work
Every model has a Dynaudio-tuned sound system with THX-based virtual surround sound, high-powered USB 3.0 ports that can charge quickly, and elaborate case lighting.
Configurations vary widely, but they start with a 720P display, a 500GB hard drive, and a DVD drive. Higher-end versions move to a 1080p display, Blu-ray optical storage, and as much as dual 750GB hard drives in a RAID stripe.
As with most MSI launches, the price and ship date haven’t been disclosed.