Qualcomm has announced the Atheros AR9004TB, the first tri-band Wi-Fi chipset that integrates the multi-gigabit performance of in-room 60 GHz band with seamless handoff to 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band Wi-Fi. The new AR9004TB solution is the first chipset capable of supporting a wide range of applications, from I/O to video to networking, at the same speeds as equivalent wired connectivity technologies, while maintaining whole home coverage and device interoperability.
The AR9004TB solution is the first chip to offer multi-gigabit Wi-Fi and wireless bus extension, as well as dual-band Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0. The Bluetooth 4.0 is the latest specification of the protocol, which includes both high-speed and low-energy operation to extend personal area connectivity to a range of connected devices.
Qualcomm claims that the Atheros AR9004TB is, for the first time, the fastest way to access data and is even quicker than wired solutions for the same application.