AMD has introduced several new chipsets, including the 9-series for desktop configurations and Z-series for tablets. The 9-series is said to serve as the basis for the company’s ‘Scorpius’ desktop platform, based on AM3+ socket processors such as the eight-core Zambezi. The platform will also integrate six USB 3.0 ports and Radeon HD6000 discrete graphics cards, while allowing users to connect up to four Radeon GPUs.
In the tablet space, the company is targeting Windows-based devices with the Z-series products that have carried the monicker Desna in earlier reports. The x86-based platform will focus on graphics capabilities, with support for DirectX 11, Adobe Flash 10.2 and HTML 5.
Interestingly enough, the Llano-based “Vision” chips appear to mimic the model designations from ARM chips. The lineup will include the flagship Vision A8-series, followed by offerings labeled A6, A4, E2 and HD, though specific details for each tier remain unclear.
The 9-series chipsets will be the first to arrive on the market, with products on the way from manufacturers such as ASUS, Foxconn, Gigabyte and MSI.