Deskew Technologies’ new app for musicians, Scorecerer, is a desktop and iPad companion app combination that allows performers to scan sheet music (a library of public-domain music is also available), sync it to an iPad and flip pages using either a swipe or an optional Bluetooth foot pedal. The app also allows handwritten annotations and highlights directly on the iPad app, enabling notes to ease difficult passages on the fly.
Once scanned into Scorecerer using a compatible scanner — or imported from PDF, or various leading audio programs such as Logic and Digital Performer, or notation editors such as Sibelius, MusicPad and Finale — the sheet music can be imported into the iPad, a Kindle DX e-reader or Freehand Systems’ MusicPad Pro, making artists’ compositions, lead sheets, fake books or other collections digital and very portable.
Once on the iPad, a two-finger swipe down accesses the custom playlist. The app comes with a selection of public-domain songs pre-loaded so users can experiment with the app immediately, including a simple tap to slip pages and a two-finger tap to zoom in. In this view, users can “write” on the score with one finger.
The desktop Scorecerer app is available for Mac and Windows, and sells for $60. The companion iPad app is available on the App Store for free.
Speaking of sheet music apps, this app let’s you not only import PDFs but also purchase from a HUGE in-app store: