Verizon Wireless on Tuesday revealed it will launch the Compaq Mini CQ10-688nr netbook with built-in 4G LTE on August 4. First introduced at its 4G event at CES this year, the netbook will have fast broadband access to the web and the HP Cloud Drive for uploading or accessing cloud-based files. The LTE download speeds as usual are said to range from between 5Mbps and 12Mbps, while upload speeds range from 2Mbps to 5Mbps in 4G coverage areas.
Hardware specs of the 10.1-inch, 1024×600 netbook are similar to the Wi-Fi only version with a 1.66GHz Intel Atom, a 250GB hard drive, 1GB of RAM, and a 250GB hard drive preloaded with Windows 7 Home Starter 32-bit. A VGA webcam supplies video chats. The netbook weighs 3.1lbs.
The Mini CQ10 will be available online for $500, along with one of three mobile broadband plans. They include a $30, 2GB per month option, $50 for 5GB and $80 for 10GB per month.