Lenovo has unveiled its first mobile monitor, the ThinkVision LT1421 Wide, alongside two new ThinkPad Edge notebooks. The monitor integrates a 14-inch LCD panel, with 16 different brightness levels and tilt adjustment to change the viewing angle. The display is powered via a USB cable, which also carries the display signal.
The new notebooks include the 14-inch E425 and 15.6-inch E525, each geared for small-to-medium businesses. Both notebooks are based on AMD’s A-Series APUs, with integrated Radeon graphics and Lenovo’s characteristic spill-resistant, island-style keyboard. Customers can choose from several configurations with up to 750 GB of storage and 8 GB of memory.
The E425 and E525 will be available in August with prices starting at $549, while the LT1421 monitor carries a $220 price tag.