HTC’s upcoming Puccini tablet will be released either this September or October, the company’s CFO Winston Yung indicated, according to the Chinese daily Liberty Ttimes. The 10-inch device will have an LTE radio built-in to take advantage of high-speed 4G networks, most notably AT&T. It’s more than likely to ship with Android 3.1 or 3.2 onboard and be powered by a dual-core, 1.5GHz Snapdragon processor.
An eight-megapixel camera will be out back, along with a front-facing camera in the front. Its screen would also support the Scribe pen, like HTC’s smaller Flyer. The Puccini marks HTC’s first full-size tablet. Pricing for the device remains unknown.
As for the legal battle with Apple, Yung said HTC will appeal the decision rather than settle with the electronics giant.