Dell replaced the higher-end of its all-in-one desktops Tuesday with the Inspiron One 2320. It stays framed around a 23-inch, 1080p display with optional touch and freshens it up with a jump from AMD to the newest Intel hardware. Systems start off at the entry level with a twin-core Pentium and scale up to as much as a Core i7 and 8GB of RAM.
Graphics and storage also range widely. Intel graphics are common on basic systems but move up to a moderately fast GeForce GT 525M for dedicated video, and hard drives start at 500GB while peaking at 2TB. Home theater users can opt for a Blu-ray combo drive supplemented by JBL speakers and a TV tuner.
The Inspiron One 2320 should be available worldwide soon. In the US, the system will start off higher than its ancestor at $950 with a low-power 2.5GHz Core i5 and 6GB of RAM. Other regions where the Pentiums are available should lower the price.