We all knew someone would do this and the great folks over at ThinkGeek did. You can have a dock to match the personality of Siri with the Iris 9000, a remote voice control add-on for the new phone. Very clearly based on 2001‘s HAL 9000, the combination dock, microphone, and speaker uses a remote to trigger Siri and should pick up voice commands from up to 50 feet away. Along with amplifying Siri’s spoken results, its central red LED light will glow in tune with the response to recreate HAL’s look from the movie.
It also serves as a speakerphone. The dock and audio are joined together and will charge the iPhone at the same time.
The Iris 9000 isn’t due to ship until 2012. When it does, it’s expected to cost $60.
The device was almost certainly inspired by some of the Easter eggs in Siri’s commands, which plays off of the HAL 9000 connection. It has several answers to the request to “open the pod bay doors” and, when asked if it can sing, responds with the opening line to “Daisy.”