Marshall has now shipped its expected Marshall FX headphones with Apple-certified inline microphone and remote control. They are divided into the over-the-ear Major FX and earbud Minor FX.
The earbuds sport a 15.4mm moving coil speaker in each earpiece and are rated at 2mW of power. Each speaker has a 115dB sensitivity, plus or minus 3dB, at 1kHz and 1mW. They use fabric cables that are tangle resistant.
The over-the-ear headphones have larger, 40mm moving coil dynamic drivers that are rated at 15mW. Their sensitivity is higher at 121dB under the same tolerances at 1kHz and 1mW. They are fully collapsible for easier storage and transportation.
Major FX headphones cost $140, while the Minor FX earbuds cost $80.