BenQ has unveiled the Joybee GP2 Mini Projector with an iPhone/iPod-compatible dock. The device also comes with an optional battery back, which allows users to take advantage of its two 2-Watt stereo speakers when on the go. While it could be useful for just about anyone, the device is aimed at business users who don’t want to carry laptops around for presentations.
The Joybee GP2, short throw projector, uses 3LED illumination and DLP projection. It is also capable of showing footage in 720p at 100 ANSI Lumen brightness. In addition to being able to display media from iPhones and iPods, users also have the option to use the included USB and SD card readers. The GP2 also includes a mini HDMI port and even includes 2 GB of internal memory.
The BenQ Joybee GP2 is retailing for $549. BenQ says that it will also be on display at CES 2012.