Acer has followed up the CloudMobile with a second smartphone due at Mobile World Congress. The Liquid Glow will carry Acer’s lightly skinned version of Android 4.0, but with a more modest 3.7-inch display. The newer, curvier design will be its own highlight, with colors such as Alpine White and Sakura Pink on the back that will be matched to the display at the front.
A five-megapixel camera with a flash is standard, and NFC is new to Acer’s Liquid line. The short-range wireless here is useful for Android Beam device-to-device sharing with other Android 4.0 owners as well as the usual tag reading and mobile payments. Most other details have been left out so far, although Android 4.0 performance expectations might dictate a dual-core processor.
More details are likely to come at Mobile World Congress next week. Acer has had a new phone in the class every year and usually ships it in the spring. The devices have previously been on Rogers’ network in Canada, although a US release is less certain.