Sony will bring its PlayMemories Online cloud storage service to PlayStation users next week, the company revealed on Friday. Unveiled at CES, the service will offer 5GB of online storage space to PlayStation Network members in six countries, including the US, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, and the UK. Users will have the ability to upload their photos taken by Sony cameras using PlayMemories Home software for Windows and OS X platforms as well as their smartphones.
They will then be able to access it from various smartphones, while a Google Play app will let users manage and upload photos to the service. Sony’s connected Bravia TVs can access the content. The service, which is meant to tie together all Sony hardware, is similar to Apple’s iCloud and other budding online storage and sharing services from Samsung and LG, also introduced at CES.
Sony will also integrate a Photo Suite editing program for the PS3 into the cloud storage service, though it will carry about a $20 pricetag. It will be bundled with free Sony cameras as well.