Mamiya Leaf escalated the competition among medium format cameras by unveiling its Credo digital backs. The line uses a new range of CCD-based sensors that peak at 80 megapixels while still having 12.5 f-stops of dynamic range. A 60-megapixel, 3:4 ratio sensor is also new and promises relatively strong color and low noise in the medium format size, and an ‘entry’ 40-megapixel sensor can provide faster photography at up to 1.2 frames per second.
All three center on a 1.15-megapixel, multi-touch preview display that helps fine-tune focusing and which has input beyond the image area. Speed has improved with a dual-core processor and support for both FireWire 800 and USB 3.0 to offload images to a waiting computer.
Although the company encourages using its own Mamiya 645DF as the Credo’s home, it will work on at least some Contax and Hasselblad cameras.
Prices start at $19,495 for a Credo 40 back, with the Credo 60 leaping to $32,495 and the Credo 80 peaking at $38,995. Mamiya leaf anticipates shipments in June.