Actor Ashton Kutcher has been spotted wearing a costume similar to Steve Jobs’ signature “Apple uniform” walking around LA, reports paparazzi site TMZ. Kutcher is currently playing the iconic Apple co-founder in an independent feature film on Jobs’ early life.
The low-budget indie picture, reportedly titled Jobs: Get Inspired, is said to be focusing on Jobs’ early career, the founding of Apple through the Pixar and NeXT years. A major film about Jobs is also underway with Sony Pictures, which acquired the rights to Walter Isaacson’s biography of the former Apple CEO and co-founder. Sony is attempting to get Aaron Sorkin, creator of The West Wing and screenwriter for The Social Network to pen the script.
Kutcher was cast in his first audition as Michael Kelso in That ’70s Show, which ran for eight years. Currently, Kutcher co-stars in Two and a Half Men as internet billionaire Walden Schmidt, replacing Charlie Sheen