Pantech today unveiled the newest in its line of Vega smartphones, the Vega S5. The S5, with its 5-inch HD display, looks set to compete with the likes of Samsung’s Galaxy Note in the phone-tablet hybrid sector. The handset will be released in South Korea, and there has been no announcement regarding an international launch.
The Vega S5’s screen has a 1280×720 resolution, and Pantech touts its bezel as the thinnest on any smartphone with a 4 or 5-inch screen, which Pantech credits with reducing the phone’s footprint. Inside, there is a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 dual-core processor with 4G LTE support. Along with a 13MP camera, the Vega S5 packs a 2100mAh battery, allowing for 11 hours of talk time.
The S5 will launch running Android 4.0, albeit a heavily-skinned version that includes Smart Voice, Pantech’s own voice assistant software. It’s unclear whether the phone will also include the gesture recognition technologies Pantech has previously shown off for its smartphones