Samsung’s Galaxy S III smartphone has sold more than 10 million units since its release. This according to a recent announcement by the electronics manufacturer, one that noted that the device reached the 10 million mark ahead of even Samsung’s own estimates. The popularity of the device was apparent even before its launch, though some estimates have the S III selling significantly fewer units than Samsung claims.
The Galaxy S III has been available in Europe and Asia since May, when it debuted to strong demand in those markets. It is now available in more than 140 countries around the world, a fact that has solidified Samsung’s standing as the world’s top smartphone manufacturer.
In a recent earnings statement, Samsung indicated that it expects demand for the Galaxy S III to remain high, even as competitor smartphones enter the market. The company now expects to move 20 million units of the S III by the fall of this year, which is in keeping with previous estimates it released earlier this year
I’m sure Samsung is proud to have hit that number. They probably would have had more if they brought it to the US sooner. I have the Galaxy SIII from Verizon, and I wouldn’t trade it for any other phone. A few Dish coworkers said that an LTE phone is something I should look into since they have had a great experience on the network. I really like streaming my live and recorded TV to my phone through the Sling Adapter I have connected to my Hopper at home. LTE goes perfectly with the GSIII and the Dish Remote Access app. I would not hesitate to recommend this phone to people.