Sony’s “Cross Buy” promotion isn’t just for Europe – SCE president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida took to Twitter to clarify that the PlayStation 3/Vita promo is also headed to the United States. Japan, however, isn’t so lucky. At least not yet. ” PS Vita-PS3 Cross Buy price promo is coming to both Europe and North America. My quote by Famitsu was meant as ‘not decided for Japan yet,'” Yoshida said. A piece from Famitsu was picked up yesterday (via Andriasang) that was misunderstood to mean the promo is exclusive to Europe.
PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale was revealed during Gamescom 2012 to be the first retail game from Sony launching with the Cross Buy promo – if you buy either version of the game, you get the other version for free. Sound Shapes and Motorstorm RC already employ the promo, albeit on PSN. A variety of other upcoming first-party Sony games also support the promotion. Incidentally, we also support the promotion, because it’s super boss