Google’s Play Store app market received an update recently, adding a feature that recommends apps, movies, music, and magazines based on what a user has already downloaded. Exactly when the feature debuted isn’t certain, as Google rolled out the new feature without fanfare, but reports have the feature showing up and disappearing several times over the last few weeks. It now appears, at least in the United States, to be a permanent feature of Google’s app and media repository though.
The “Recommended for You” section appears right below the main images on the loading pages of the Apps, Music, Magazines, Books, and Movies & TV categories. Clicking the header takes a user to a list of media generated based on things a user has previously purchased or downloaded. The list also includes content that has been +1’d by a user’s friends, as well as content that is popular in a user’s area. Users can refine the recommendation engine by hiding any apps they’re not interested in.
The recommendation feature represents yet another step in Google’s ongoing effort to improve the functionality of its Play Store. The company recently switched to delta updates for apps downloaded from the Play Store, making it so that only the parts of apps that have been changed will be downloaded, instead of the entire app. Earlier this year, Google added carrier billing for Play Store purchases, allowing customers to charge purchases to their mobile accounts.