Nokia also showed off at its press event, the budget-oriented Lumia 820. The previously leaked handset uses a 4.3-inch, 800×480 resolution display and gets the same dual-core, 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4 processor as the 920. Otherwise, there is 1GB of RAM onboard and 8GB of storage space complemented by a 32GB microSD memory card slot.
Out back, there is an eight-megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, and an LED flash. The camera can capture 1080p videos and gets a buddy in the form of a front-facing VGA camera. The newly-introduced Smart Shoot feature is also integrated, allowing users to take multiple photos of the same scene and then merge them into one automatically for the best shot. The Nokia City Lens feature that throws up augmented reality content onto the phone’s screen to show local restaurants and other businesses is also present.
An NFC radio is also onboard, as is a GLONASS chip, Magnetometer, WLAN Network Positioning, and A-GPS functionality. Thanks to dedicated and colored covers, the Lumia 820 gets wireless charging as well. Available colors include black, white, red, yellow, cyan, purple, and gray. A 1,650mAh battery powers the device.
Unlike the Lumia 800 it will replace, the 820 has LTE and HSPA+ network access.
Shipping dates and prices aren’t revealed other than the usual “coming later this year” line.