HP has introduced its first Spectre-branded all-in-in PC ready for Windows 8. The headlining Spectre One that instantly recalls Apple’s iMac lineup with its use of aluminum materials and a wireless keyboard and trackpad that are very reminiscent of Apple’s designs. The similarities with Apple don’t end with its appearance with HP’s marketing materials using the word ‘gorgeous’ to describe its new PC – an adjective that the late Steve Jobs was synonymous for using when describing Apple’s products.
The Spectre One centres on a 23.6-inch flush-glass 1080p display, which despite being touted for its Windows 8-readiness, does not support touch input. Instead the multitouch capabilities are shifted to the large trackpad in another nod to an Apple philosophy (Apple insists that traditional upright computers do not suit touch input). A full range of Intel’s latest Ivy Bridge processors are on offer matched with an Nvidia GPU with 1GB of dedicated VRAM.
Connectivity includes NFC, which HP has dubbed TouchZone for syncing with mobile devices, while it also incorporates two USB 2.0 ports, two USB 3.0 ports, HDMI-in and a Beats Audio headphones jack. SSD storage is also offered amongst the options. Pre-loaded software includes full versions of Adobe Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements giving users photo-editing and video-editing capabilities out of the box – also reminiscent of Apple pre-loaded iLife software suite.
The HP Spectre One will ship on November 14 from $1299.