Intel and Motorola have partnered on a new RAZR i, which is powered by a 2GHz ‘Medfield’ Atom processor. The device is being marketed as a ‘full-screen’ phone utilizing a very thin bezel, while it is also one of the most compact 4.3-inch Android devices as a result of the design approach. It is a variant of the Motorola’s Droid RAZR M, which is powered by an ARM processor.
The ‘Medfield’ processor is a single-core design, and runs a version of Android 4.0 ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’ that Intel it has ported to run on its x86 architecture – however, it is still compatible with the apps on Google Play. According to Intel, the chip has been optimized for web browsing and Java-based processes. Intel also says that it has optimized the power consumption on the chip so that it can handle full processor loads for gaming without draining the battery excessively.
The RAZR i blends Corning Gorilla Glass with Motorola’s trademark Kevlar appearance featured across most of its recent releases. On its rear is an 8-megapixel camera that can take photos from within a second from the camera app being launched. The device also incorporates and NFC chip that supports the Android Beam functionality. Hackers will also appreciate that it arrives with an unlocked bootloader, while it is also water-resistant.
The Motorola RAZR i will be available in Europe and Latin America initially, although a North American launch as yet to be detailed.