Samsung today announced the Galaxy Watch Active2, an update to the Galaxy Watch Active that brings new features and options. The edges of the screen now function as a touch-based “rotating” bezel to navigate menus faster. The AMOLED screen has also been enlarged, from 1.1 inches to 1.2 inches, in the same 40mm body. There’s […]
Cricket has new service plans that include only data and messaging, with no access to voice service. With the plans, messaging (SMS and MMS) is unlimited, but international service is not included. Data allotments are for high-speed data at the full speed of AT&T’s LTE network, instead of capped at 8 Mbps as with Cricket’s […]
For NAB 2019, Feiyutech has announced its G6 Plus 3-Axis Gimbal with Heavy Duty Phone Mount for smartphones, action cameras, and compact cameras weighing up to 1.75 pounds. The G6 Plus is a lightweight, single-handed gimbal with joystick, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, camera control, multifunction knob, and automated modes that can be set up and controlled locally […]
Apple has canceled its long delayed AirPower wireless charger. Apple said it could reach their “high standards” for the product. “After much effort, we’ve concluded AirPower will not achieve our high standards and we have cancelled the project. We apologize to those customers who were looking forward to this launch. We continue to believe that […]
The new Apple AirPods have 50% more battery life (talk time) and support “Hey Siri” voice commands to let users quickly change songs, make a call, adjust the volume or get directions. Apple also introduced an optional charging case that can be charged on any Qi-compatible wireless charging pad. The new AirPods are available today with […]
SD Association today announced microSD Express, a new memory card format that’s faster, more efficient, and backward-compatible with today’s microSD format. The new cards will be capable of delivering a 985 megabytes per second (MB/s) maximum data transfer rate, and should use less power on average when using the new fast mode. microSD cards will […]
A massive bug in Apple’s new Group FaceTime feature allowed callers to listen in on people before they answered an incoming FaceTime call, and in some cases even see live video. Apple has already moved to prevent the issue from affecting users by turning off the Group FaceTime feature altogether, for all users, apparently with […]
T-Mobile today launched the Coolpad Surf, its first mobile hotspot device to support newer LTE bands 71 and 66. Band 71 — AKA 600 MHz — became a large and important part of T-Mobile’s network in 2018. Band 71 provides much-needed extra capacity in dense urban areas, and extended coverage elsewhere. Coolpad Surf Features: A 2150 […]
JBL is bringing Google Assistant everywhere this year, from speakers to soundbars, displays, headphones, and more. The latest addition to its line-up, the JBL Link Drive, is meant to help you use Google Assistant while driving, but without taking your eyes off the road or fiddling with your phone. Like several similar products we’ve already […]
The USB Implementers Forum has announced the USB Type-C Authentication Program (PDF), which provides a way for devices with USB-C connectors to securely confirm that attached devices are authentic and do not contain hidden capabilities. The new protocol can be used to prevent a phone from connecting to a charger that contains hidden malware capability. “Using […]