Alpine has begun shipping the previously-announced iLX-007, its first receiver to support Apple’s CarPlay platform. The device has also been given an $800 pricetag. It sports a 7-inch 800×480 touchscreen, three 2V preouts, one aux input, and an input for rear-view camera systems. Like other Alpine receivers, it uses a technology called MediaXpander to try […]
Google today pushed out an update to its Android Wear platform that adds two key features and grants wearables even more independence. First, Android Wear devices will now be able to track location via GPS without requiring a nearby smartphone. This means people will be able to leave their phone at home when they go […]
Apple has revealed the iPad Air 2, and along with it a new way to handle SIM cards. According to Apple, the new Apple SIM gives iPad Air 2 owners unprecedented flexibility when it comes to choosing an LTE service provider. “Whenever you need it, you can choose the plan that works best for you […]
Designed By M has announced the upcoming release of its new Trilogy dock and stand device for iPhone 6, now available for pre-order. Composed of aluminum with a food grade silicone base, the iPhone dock features a built-in sound projector amplifier for enhanced audio quality. The docking stand is designed to be used in vertical […]
HTC announced that its new Zoe app and service has exited beta and is being launched as a revamped, cross-platform social network. The new Zoe app will be available for both Android and iOS, and combines the Zoe Highlight Video functionality with a social network much like Instagram or Vine. It also lets users remix […]
Google is starting to enable customizable backdrops for the Chromecast, a feature it first revealed in June. Rolling out from today, owners of the streaming dongle can customize the image feed from the Chromecast app for Android and iOS, including photo albums from Google+, artwork from the Google Cultural Institute, and news images from various […]
Pebble has announced a software update for its devices and lowered the prices of its hardware. The software update targets health and fitness apps, and allows Pebble smart watches to track activity in the background. For starters, Misfit, Jawbone, and have updated their apps to take advantage of the new health and fitness powers. […]
Garmin has introduced another device in its Forerunner GPS watch range. The Forerunner 920XT, a follow-up to last year’s Forerunner 910XT, is able to track the wearer’s physical activities and provide a variety of statistics on its display, but improves on its predecessor by using a color display, being 15 percent lighter, and offers increased […]
Samsung recently said AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless will all offer its Gear S smartwatch “this fall.” Samsung didn’t say when the device will actually go on sale. The Gear S differs from Samsung’s other wearables in that it has a cellular radio inside and can make/receive phone calls and messages. Pricing has yet […]
Karma, an MVNO that resells access to Sprint’s network, today announced the Karma Go, an LTE 4G hotspot. Karma’s first hotspot relied on Sprint’s WiMax network. The company announced plans to transition to LTE late last year. The Karma Go is available for preorder beginning today. It will be $99 for a limited time, and […]