Futuremark’s VRMark is available today via Steam or directly from Futuremark. As with 3DMark the basic version is free while the Advanced Edition is $20, with a 25% discount for the first week of its release. The difference between the two versions is the inclusion of the Blue Room in addition to the Orange Room; […]

When the misbehavior of WoSign and StartCom was discovered this summer, Mozilla was quick to create a plan for punishing the rogue certificate authorities. Last week, the nonprofit organization behind the popular Firefox web browser published a list of actions it’s going to take against the two CAs, and now Google is doing the same […]

Chrome has received several updates ever the past year to cut down on memory usage, but the ubiquitous browser is still notorious for being somewhat of a resource hog. Well, more enhancements are on the way, with Google Chrome 55 bringing new changes that dramatically reduce the amount of RAM used by up to 50%. […]

AMD has released their Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.10.1 drivers. These continue AMD’s trend of releasing drivers alongside major titles, which, this time, are Mafia III (October 7th) and Gears of War 4 (October 11th). Both of these titles are multiple days out, apart from a handful of insiders with advanced copies, which makes it […]

After you finished pre-loading Forza Horizon 3, you can go ahead and grab Nvidia’s latest Game Ready driver release, version 372.90, which is intended to deliver the “best possible gaming experience” for the cross-platform racing game. On the AMD-based graphics card front, we are keeping our eyes peeled for a Crimson update. In addition to tweaks […]

While it was originally scheduled for last week, some last-minute issues preventing the software non-profit organization from releasing it until today. This version is expected to expand their multi-process support, which separates UI updates from site updates. Typically, Firefox disables the feature with add-ons, because they are given the tools to make decoupling these two […]

Google said it plans to support emails made with responsive design so they are easier to view and interact with on mobile devices. Responsive design allows emails to reformat themselves based on the screen size and shape, making text, links, and buttons bigger. This in turn makes it easier to tap or select items within emails. […]

Beginning January 2017, Chrome version 56 and beyond will begin to label HTTP websites as “Not Secure.” Initially, only pages that transmit passwords or credit card numbers will be labeled this way, but Google’s end game is to mark all HTTP connections as non-secure. Google has been encouraging HTTPS adoption for some time through incentives […]

AMD released Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.9.1 just in time for the Deus Ex: Mankind DividedDirect X 12 patch. The latest hotfix driver adds optimizations to ensure stable performance with Microsoft’s advanced graphics API. Square Enix released the DX12 patch through Steam on the morning of September 8. The release notes that accompany the patch […]

It’s been in Beta for a while, but NVIDIA has just officially launched their new GeForce Experience application. The release version is, so be sure to check for updates if you were in the beta and your settings panel shows an earlier version. Also, there’s an “allow experimental features” checkbox right under the version […]