The WSJ released today a story claiming the Russian government has used Kaspersky antivirus software to secretly scan computers around the world for classified government documents and top-secret information for both the U.S. and its allies. Kaspersky Lab was founded by an engineer trained at a KGB technical school. The firm has insisted in the past […]

It was only weeks removed from launching GPU drivers optimized for Warhammer II and Forza Motorsport 7, AMD has made available a new Crimson ReLive release, this time with a focus on Middle-earth: Shadow of War and The Evil Within 2 (Nvidia also has new drivers available, with optimizations for both games). Radeon GPU owners […]

With Middle-earth: Shadow of War set to launch tomorrow, Nvidia released a new driver to ensure that your GPU is ready for your return to Mordor. Version 387.92 also includes support for some upcoming titles and additional support for other existing games. In addition to providing “the optimal gaming experience” for Middle-earth: Shadow of War, the Game Ready […]

Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition is AMD’s advanced graphics software for enabling high-performance gaming and engaging VR experiences with their consumers GPUs. Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.9.3 Highlights Support For Total War: WARHAMMER II Radeon Chill profile added Multi GPU support enabled Forza Motorsport 7 Fixed Issues The drop-down option to enable Enhanced Sync […]

Microsoft today announced changes to its music offering for Windows devices that will see it transition from its own Groove Music service to Spotify. According to Microsoft, the Groove Music media player application will continue to work for playing back owned music on Windows devices, but it will no longer offer the option to stream, […]

Avast’s recent acquisition, CCleaner, was hacked to distribute a multi-stage malware backdoor signed with its own certificate.This hack could affect millions of people. According to an analysis by Cisco Talos, the servers used by Avast, the company that owns CCleaners, were comprised to distribute the malware. “For a period of time, the legitimate signed version of CCleaner 5.33 […]

Google Drive app for desktop is officially deprecated as of today, Google has announced in a blog post. Support will be cut off on December 11th and the app will shut down completely on March 12th, 2018. Users who are still running the Drive app will start seeing notifications in October that it’s “going away,” […]

Jules Blok, better known as CrossVR, the developer behind the popular ReVive utility, revealed that he’s now part of the team that is shaping Khronos’s proposed OpenXR standard. Blok’s experience with compatibility issues between VR platforms could prove invaluable to the OpenXR working group. Last December, the Khronos Group announced the Open VR Standards Initiative, […]

If you have ordered an AMD’s Radeon Vega RX series video card, or have plans to do so, should head over to the company’s driver download page and grab the new Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.30.1051 driver. These drivers are designed to work on Windows 7 (64-bit version with SP1 or higher) and Windows 10 64-bit operating […]

Facebook said publishers and viewers alike can take advantage of closed captions on live videos. Content producers will need to enable closed captions on their broadcasts, as will people on their phones, tablets, or PCs. Once turned un, live videos will include captions so those who with hearing difficulties can follow along. The feature is free […]