Contact Us
What’s This All About?
Takes on Tech provides technology and entertainment news, reviews, interviews and demos for the non-nerdy. We realize that you are a person who finds technology and information about technology interesting, but you might not have a lot of time to spend filtering thru all the information the comes through blogs, news services and other providers on a daily basis so we help sort through things for you to let you find products that you use and enjoy.
Our primary focus is on the kind of information and products that will be of interest to the typical computer and gadget owner, home, small businesss/home office or small/medium office user.
Contacting Us for Coverage
Please send any questions or comments or product review requests/inquiries to Doug(at) or Laura(at)
The Staff
Doug Dobbins is a technology consultant, freelance journalist, media producer and blogger. He has worked with a variety of technologies from mainframes to Windows/Mac applications, networking, podcasting to stock photography. He can be reached via email at Doug(at)
Laura Dobbins is a technologist working to develop mobile applications and software by day and everything else including a writer, gamer and dog concierge by night. She can be reached via email at Laura(at)
Tom Sowa is a long time newspaper reporter who has covered business and technology in Washington state for many years. He has recently joined the crew here at ToT after being told by his doctor that newspapers can leave ink on your hands. He can be reached via email at tom.takesontech(at)
Editorial Policies
Corrections and Retractions
Published items will be updated quickly and transparently to correct erroneous information, upon completion of a verification by our staff. It is our policy to correct any mistakes or erroneous information, and to update content of published items to reflect changing news scenarios where possible. It is not our policy to remove or “unpublish” content at the request of third parties.