Posts tagged as: Android 4.3

Sony Commits to Android 4.3 Updates

Sony today promised to update several of its devices to Android 4.3, though it didn’t say when the update might become available. Sony said it is already making good progress with updating the Xperia Z and ZL from Android 4.1 to Android 4.2. Down the road, it will update both the Z and ZL, as […]

Google Unveils the New Nexus 7 Tablet

Google has taken the covers off the new Nexus 7 and it looks like a winner.  The unit is made by Asus again and is  2mm thinner, almost 6mm narrower and 50 grams lighter than its predecessor. The first noticeable upgrade is the the screen.  It sports far more pixels in the same amount of […]

Google Launches Android 4.3 Jelly Bean

Google today announced a minor bump in its Android platform to version 4.3 Jelly Bean. The core new features of Android 4.3 include the addition of restricted profiles to the multi-user tool, which lets users control what apps/services can be accessed by the other users. Android 4.3 adds support for Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy, also […]

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