Sony Pictures Classics announced they have gained the North American rights to The Silent Man (formerly known as “Felt”), the film based on the life of Mark Felt (Liam Neeson), a FBI informant during the Watergate scandal who is famously known as “Deep Throat.” Written and directed by Peter Landesman (Concussion), the film was produced […]
Academy Award nominee Diane Lane (Unfaithful, Man of Steel) is officially joining the cast of Peter Landesman’s historical spy thriller Felt. She will co-star alongside fellow Academy Award nominee Liam Neeson (Schindler’s List, Taken). Lane will play Mark Felt’s (Neeson) brilliant, ambitious and troubled wife, Audrey, who shoulders the burden of Felt’s isolated and dangerous […]
Academy Award nominee Liam Neeson is set to headline Parkland director Peter Landesman’s latest, the historical spy thriller Felt. Neeson will play the famous informant known as “Deep Throat.” Felt aims to be a taut spy thriller, centering on “Deep Throat,” the pseudonym given to the notorious whistleblower for one of the greatest scandals of […]