Posts tagged as: Nintendo Direct

Nintendo Will Release New Chibi-Robo for 3DS

In this morning’s Nintendo Direct presentation Guru-Guru! Chibi-Robo! was announced for the Nintendo 3DS as an upcoming platformer. Previously, Chibi-Robo used to go around doing things like helping out others, cleaning houses, making flowers bloom in parks to make people happy. This time around, he’ll be in his first side-scroller action game, where he’ll use […]

Nintendo’s Iwata Outlines Details of New Membership Service

During yesterday’s Nintendo presentation, president Satoru Iwata went into a bit more detail about plans for the integrated membership service that the company decided to create earlier this year. The concept behind the service is to establish a bridge not just between smart devices and dedicated gaming consoles (including the in-development NX), but also the […]

3DS Celebrates Splatoon with Themed Acessories

Nintendo Direct celebrating the upcoming release of the squid-based shooter, Splatoon, has just come to an end. While this title is making a splash exclusively on the Wii U, Nintendo has also revealed New 3DS owners will be able to be as stylish as Inkling Girl and Inkling Boy while out on the streets, with […]

New Nintendo Direct ‘Splatoon’ Weapon Loadouts, Modes And Amiibo Features

Today’s Nintendo Direct event unveiled more details on Splatoon the multi-player game with a family friendly painting rather than shooting mechanic. Weapons, outfits, amiibos and game modes were all discussed in detail. Splatoon combines creative ink-spraying with tactical turf-claiming action. It’s being pitched as the Mario Kart or shooting games and that’s not far from […]

Nintendo 64’s Paper Mario Now Available on Virtual Console

Mario’s second RPG adventure and first paper craft adventure, Paper Mario, is now available on Wii U. Announced during Nintendo’s most recent Direct presentation, you can grab the game now for $9.99 on the Wii U. This, Super Mario 64, and Donkey Kong 64 are among the first of the Wii U’s initiative to release Nintendo […]

Splatoon Gets It’s Own Nintendo Direct on May 7

Nintendo has announced the next Nintendo Direct video briefing. Scheduled to take place on Thursday, May 7, at 7 AM PDT, this livestream event will focus on the company’s upcoming family-friendly Wii U shooter Splatoon. On-hand during the event to talk about the game will be Nintendo’s “expert team of scientists at the Squid Research […]

Tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct to Feature Xenoblade Chronicles X

Nintendo is putting its muscle behind Monolith Soft’s upcoming RPG Xenoblade Chronicles X. The Wii U-exclusive will be the star of a Nintendo Direct video presentation tomorrow, followed by a special episode of Nintendo Treehouse: Live. Although Nintendo isn’t providing details on what they’ll be showing, we have a pretty good idea. Nintendo hosted the […]

Curve Digital Hints At A Possible Appearance at the Coming Nintendo Direct

Curve Digital, responsible for the recently released Wii U and 3DS eShop cross-buy title, OlliOlli, has hinted it will make an appearance at some point during the upcoming Nintendo Direct. Nintendo Direct tomorrow! Not saying we're definitely in there, but keep your eyes peeled for a little sprinkling of Curve magic possibly. — Curve Games […]

Nintendo Sends Out Fresh Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Demo Codes

Nintendo managed to create a lot of buzz in its Nintendo Direct broadcasts last week, but certainly grabbed plenty of attention by releasing demo codes for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. The Club Nintendo distribution kicked off right away in Europe and a day later in North America, with lucky recipients receiving an email with four […]

Splatoon Developers Reveal New Info During Nintendo Broadcast

The developers of Splatoon have done a good job of showcasing features for the game that were debuted in the most recent Nintendo Direct. During that presentation, we learned that there would be a city hub of sorts where Inklings will be able to spend their hard earned experience points toward upgrades in gear and […]

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