505 Games Annouces New Releases at E3

Posted by at 8:10 am on June 6, 2011

505 Games has revealed its lineup of titles that will be showcased at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3).

Kinect for Xbox 360 exclusive titles –

  • Michael Phelps: Push the Limit: Get inspired by the greatest athlete ever – Michael Phelps! For the first time ever, Michael Phelps: Push the Limit brings the fun, fitness and excitement of head to head swimming to your living room with the power of Kinect!
  • Blackwater:A first of its kind shooter, Blackwater reinvents the modern combat shooter genre by giving players the ability to completely control the gameplay experience using either a traditional controller or Kinect for Xbox 360’s controller-free abilities which introduces an unprecedented level of immersion to the FPS genre. Blackwater takes its namesake from the private security company founded in 1997 by Erik Prince, a former Navy SEAL, to provide training support to military and law enforcement agencies.
  • Grease: Get ready for those “Summer Nights” with a return to Rydell High! Grease utilizes the Kinect’s motion sensor technologies to deliver the ultimate Grease experience. Sing, dance and party your way through the officially licensed music and all the memorable choreography from the movie along with Barry, Sandy and the rest of the Grease gang.

Additional titles (various platforms) –

  • Supremacy MMA (Xbox 360 and PlayStation3): Armed with arcade-like speed and real in-game fighters—including former UFC champ Jens Pulver and the first real female fighters in an MMA game – Supremacy MMA brings the brutality of the sport to the world as the only MMA fighting game releasing this year.
  • WRECKED: Revenge Revisited (Xbox LIVE Arcade, PlayStation Network): As the follow-up to the wildly popular multiplayer racer MASHED – which released on Xbox console, PlayStation2, and Windows PC in 2004 – WRECKED: Revenge Revisited brings car-based combat and racing carnage to a whole new level with an all new variety of weapons and vehicle enhancements, including five totally insane different aerial strikes.
  • Backbreaker Vengeance (Exclusive to Xbox LIVE Arcade): Backbreaker Vengeance takes the intensity and AAA appeal of the original Backbreaker Football console game and combines it with the pick-up-and-play nature of the wildly popular “Tackle Alley” mini-game in Backbreaker Football to deliver an all-new arcade slant on football.
  • Rugby World Cup 2011 (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 system): Get ready to feel the excitement and experience all of the action in Rugby World Cup 2011, HB Studios’ breathtakingly realistic presentation of the upcoming Rugby World Cup and the first rugby game on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Choose between 20 participating teams, play out national rivalries in authentic match venues with true rugby stars, and experience one of the most realistic presentations of the world’s third most popular sport. Are you worthy enough to lift the Webb Ellis Cup and become World Champions for your country?

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