Acer’s Cromia Chromebook has had its US launch details narrowed down Monday night. The 11.6-inch Chrome OS notebook, now badged as the Cromia 700 or AC700, should be available “this month” in Wi-Fi trim for $350, making it the most affordable Chromebook in the US. The 3G version now has a less definite release date and will only ship sometime in the summer for $450.
The notebook has much the same performance as the Samsung Series 5 and carries the dual-core 1.5GHz Atom chip as well as 2GB of RAM. An emphasis on the cloud leaves just a 16GB SSD for storage. Acer does provide an HDMI video out for full-size mirroring and affords a 1.3-megapixel webcam, a pair of USB ports, and a four-in-one card reader.
Adding 3G in the US supplies 100MB per month of free Verizon 3G data. More is available but costs closer to Verizon’s typical rates.