AMD has unveiled what it calls the world’s first commercially available 5GHz CPU processor at the E3 gaming show. The FX-9590, an eight-core chip using the ‘Piledriver’ architecture that reaches 5GHz in turbo mode, is accompanied by the FX-9370, which also has eight cores and the same architecture, but is clocked at the slightly slower speed of 4.7GHz.
The two processors will be supplied unlocked, allowing users to easily overclock them, but AMD warns that damage caused through overclocking will not be covered by its warranty, even when using AMD’s own software, and will use AMD Turbo Core 3.0 in order to optimize performance across the cores automatically. \
The FX-9590 and FX-9370 will initially be available this summer through system builders, with Maingear being one of the first to offer the 5GHz chip, but will be available to PC enthusiasts shortly afterward, at a to-be-determined price.