The semi-difficult to find Mega Man amiibo will unlock new challenge modes in the upcoming 3DS version of Mega Man Legacy Collection. The challenge modes don’t yet exist, however. Capcom is holding a contest where Mega Man fans can submit their own challenges.
The best 10 player-created challenges will find their way into the final version of the game, all of which will be unlockable with the Mega Man amiibo. The player-created challenges will compliment the existing challenge modes, rather than replace them.
The Mega Man amiibo is classified as “rare” in our amiibo Rarity Guide. That means there’s a very slim possibility you could stumble across one in the wild. The chance to unlock extra challenge modes in the 3DS version of Mega Man Legacy Collection should sweeten the pot for anyone on the fence about hunting one down, but beyond that functionality it’s a really nice amiibo.
The 3DS version is scheduled for an early 2016 release.