Apple Believed to Be in Talks with Epix Over Apple TV Streaming

Posted by at 6:58 pm on April 28, 2012

Apple has been discussing a possible deal to get Epix’ on-demand movies on its media devices, a pair of tipsters clamed late Friday. The talks were to both support the Apple TV as well as “upcoming devices that stream content,” which Reuters took to mean a future TV set. Any progress was early, one of the contacts said.

Neither side would confirm or deny the rumor, with Apple calling it “speculation.”

A deal wouldn’t be unusual for Apple. Despite many seeing Netflix as a competitor to iTunes, Apple included it with the second-generation Apple TV in what’s been seen as an attempt to maintain a competitive edge. Epix is normally considered an on-top service that requires traditional TV, but would give Apple a source that could potentially supply streaming movies to some viewers even before they arrive in the iTunes Store or on Blu-ray.

Pure streaming on Epix is an option through Netflix, but also sets a minimum timeframe for when Apple could make the option available. Epix’s exclusive with Netflix lasts until the end of September.

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