Apple TV+ has released the official trailer for their first major film – The Banker!
The story follows two African American entrepreneurs, Bernard Garrett (Anthony Mackie) and Joe Morris (Samuel L. Jackson), who spent the 1950s trying to circumvent racial limitations by recruiting a working-class white guy named Matt Steiner (Nicholas Hoult) and training him to pose as the head of their business.
At the same time, they posed as a janitor and a chauffeur. Bernard’s wife Eunice (Nia Long), plays a key role in setting up the enterprise with the pair becoming two of the wealthiest and most successful real estate owners in the country with Steiner as their frontman. Their success soon brings about unforeseen risk of exposure that threatens everything.
George Nolfi (Birth of The Dragon) chairs the film which was shot in Atlanta late 2018. Nolfi, Mackie, Joel Viertel, Nnamdi Asomugha and Jonathan Baker produce from a script by Nolfi, David Smith, Nicole Levy and Stan Younger.
The Banker will come to cinema on December 6th. Later the film will comes to the streaming service in January, 2020.