On Tuesday, Apple issued its first-ever software update for the Apple Watch, nearly a month after its abortive retail debut. The popular device, still facing overwhelming demand and supply shortages due to a now-worked-out part issue, can be updated through the paired iPhone to Watch OS version 1.0.1, which brings the usual “performance improvements and bug fixes” to the device, adds more than 300 new emoji characters, and updates language support.
Alongside the expected bug fixes and optimizations, Apple specifically lists the following areas as having been improved in the update: Siri, Accessibility, measuring stand activity, distance and pace during outdoor walk and run workouts, and calculating calories for indoor cycling and rowing workouts. In addition, support for third-party apps has been improved, and the Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Thai, and Turkish languages have been added. The Apple Watch must have at least 50 percent battery reserve and be connected to its power supply in order to accept the update.