ASUS on Friday began shipping the Eee Pad Transformer as its first true entry into the mobile tablet space. The Android 3.0 tablet earns its name through a keyboard dock that gives it a more notebook-like design. It works as a true clamshell design and also extends the battery life from 9.5 hours for the tablet by itself to 16 hours with the two attached.
The Transformer’s 10.1-inch, 1280×800 display uses an IPS panel to give a greater color range. ASUS also has its own custom interface, Waveshare, with a custom app launcher and quick access to cloud services. The familiar cloud storage translated over from the Eee PC line is there too. It already supports Flash 10.2.
The unit is powered by a dual-core Tegra 2 processor with 1GB of RAM and either 16GB or 32GB of built-in storage. There is five-megapixel rear camera, and a 1.2-megapixel front camera for videos, photos and VoPS apps. Also in the mix are two full USB ports and an SD card reader on the dock, as well as a microSDHC reader and a mini HDMI output on the tablet.
ASUS hasn’t officially priced out the device but is expected to charge the equivalent of $565 in Europe for a 16GB version.