Motorola’s Atrix 4G smartphone will not be receiving an upgrade to Android 4.0, despite the company’s earlier promises that an update would be delivered this past quarter. The Atrix’s status was confirmed today in an update to Motorola’s Android software upgrade calendar. The Atrix 4G will remain on Android 2.3 for the foreseeable future.
The Atrix 4G had been slated to receive an upgrade to Android 4.0 in the third quarter of this year. The phone was released in the first quarter of 2011 but, as is the case with many devices in the splintered Android ecosystem, Motorola apparently sees little benefit in pushing the nearly two years-old hardware to run version 4.0.
The most recent figures peg Android 4.0 as the operating system for about 16 percent of all devices running Android. The newest version, 4.1, was said to run on less than one percent of Android devices, though some have put that figure as high as 1.5 percent.