Plans for an AT&T Galaxy S II, widely known as the Attain, were inadvertently spoiled on Saturday by Samsung Singapore’s Facebook page. The site showed a photo of Galaxy S II accessories with a clearly AT&T-branded phone in an HDMI dock that’s unlike either the stock Galaxy S II or the Infuse 4G. It has the same large, squared-off design but has the four touch-sensitive buttons of the Captivate, AT&T’s original Galaxy S variant, instead of the iPhone-like buttons of the international version.
Posting the image in itself also confirmed that the US phones would get their own native accessories, presumably extending beyond the HDMI dock.
Launch details are still mysterious, but Samsung is expected to repeat its US strategy for the US where it releases slight variants on the Galaxy S II on each of the major carriers. AT&T should be joined by the Sprint Within and the Verizon Function. What practical differences they have between each other, if any, hasn’t been discovered. A launch is probable by the end of summer.