Barnes & Noble on Friday put out a version of the free Nook for Android app optimized for Android tablets. The new version takes advantage of the larger screen both for reading as well as browsing the book library and store. Unusually, the app isn’t just optimized for Android 3.x slates like the Motorola Xoom but also for Android 2.x models, many of which are seven-inch designs like the Samsung Galaxy Tab.
The only stipulation is that the screen have an 800×480 or larger resolution, the bookseller said. A device check will open up magazines and newspapers to non-Nook Color tablets for the first time while keeping them off of smartphones, even at the same resolution.
Readers can get the new app immediately and can now find it in other portals, such as Samsung Apps, Verizon’s V Cast Apps, AppsLib, and GetJar. Outside of public domains, most regular books cost $10. Subscriptions vary but usually have a two-week trial to test them out before committing to a monthly fee.