BlackBerry May Make an Android Phone

Posted by at 11:01 am on June 12, 2015

BlackBerry is considering whether or not to make a smartphone based on Google’s Android platform rather than its own operating system, reports Reuters.

Citing sources familiar with BlackBerry’s plans, Reuters says the company is working on a slider handset that would have a touch screen and a slide-out physical keyboard for typing. It would arrive in the fall.

One possible impetus behind the idea is to convince businesses that BlackBerry’s BES12 device management software can effectively control Android handsets in addition to iPhones and BlackBerries. BlackBerry has focused efforts on becoming a software services company rather than a hardware company, but it still sells a line of BlackBerry smartphones. The devices have not shipped in significant numbers.

“We don’t comment on rumors and speculation,” said BlackBerry to Reuters, “but we remain committed to the BlackBerry 10 operating system, which provides security and productivity benefits that are unmatched.”

The Android handset would be sold alongside BlackBerry’s existing lineup. Reuters sources said if BlackBerry chooses to make an Android handset it would probably include patented BlackBerry features, such as security software. BlackBerry already works with Android. It created a version of its BBM messaging application for Android, and BlackBerry 10 handsets can run select Android applications.

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