Diablo 3 won’t have boundaries on who players can team up with.
Blizzard has revealed that it doesn’t matter where you are in the world, you’ll still be able to play Diablo 3 with your friends.
It’s not all global harmony, however, since there are a few restrictions. This function – which Blizzard is referring to as Global Play – does still have regions, and when you create a character it will ‘belong’ to your home region.
The three regions are the Americas, Europe and Asia. While Australia and New Zealand are part of the Americas, the rest is pretty much self-explanatory.
After this you can switch to any of the other regions to play alongside Diablo 3 players there, though you won’t be able to carry over your original ‘home’ region character. You will, therefore, need to recreate your friends lists and characters/items from scratch if you want to play in a different region.
Auction houses will be affected too: normal gold auctions can be utilised regardless of the region you’re in (again, each region’s content is separate from one another), while real-world money auctions can only be accessed by characters in your home region.