Diane Keaton, Candice Bergen and Jane Fonda are attached to star in “Book Club,” a comedy premiering at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. The film will be the directorial debut of producer Bill Holderman, who is also co-writing the script with Erin Simms. Holderman and Simms are also producing the film with Andrew Duncan and Alex Saks from newcomer studio June Pictures.
The three actresses will play members of a four-woman book club, all of whom are very successful but are each dealing with snags in their personal lives. Keaton’s character is recently widowed, Bergen’s character is going through a decades-old divorce, and Fonda’s character prefers her relationships with men to be commitment-free. But their lives are all changed forever when they pick a book for their club that is far from the usual type of literature they read: “Fifty Shades of Grey.” The fourth member of the book club has yet to be cast.
June Pictures will also screen the childhood drama “The Florida Project” at Cannes as part of the Directors’ Fortnight program.