Paramount Pictures has revealed the first official photo from the new Terminator semi-reboot film which is currently in production. The photo showcases the three female leads – Natalia Reyes as Dani Ramos, Mackenzie Davis as Grace and Linda Hamilton as a now ‘seasoned warrior’ version of Sarah Connor.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Diego Boneta and Gabriel Luna co-star in the new film which works as a direct sequel to Terminator 2: Judgment Day and the start a new trilogy of films. James Cameron is producing the new film series with David Ellison of Skydance.
Billy Ray (The Hunger Games) wrote the most recent draft of the script for the film which Tim Miller is directing.
Paramount Pictures will release the new Terminator on November 22nd 2019.
Official first look at the new @Terminator featuring Natalia Reyes, Mackenzie Davis and Linda Hamilton. Directed by Tim Miller (DEADPOOL). Produced by James Cameron and David Ellison. In theatres 11.22.19. #Terminator
— Paramount Pictures (@ParamountPics) August 1, 2018