Colonial Marines for Wii U Is Cancelled

Posted by at 2:33 pm on April 8, 2013

alienscolonialmarines2Following a recent announcement that the ship date was being pushed out yet again, the newest report on Aliens: Colonial Marines for Wii U is that it has been cancelled entirely. Despite originally being one of the system’s most anticipated multiformat games Sega has canned plans for a Wii U version of Gearbox’s movie tie-in.

‘We are constantly looking at all areas of our business and in this case have made the decision to not continue development of the Wii U version,’ said a Sega representative to website Kotaku. ‘Rest assured that we have some fantastic developments for Wii U in the pipeline which we will announce at a later date.’

Aliens: Colonial Marines was one of the first games announced for the Wii U during its 2011 unveiling. It was one of a number of Western multiformat games shown at the time and was considered one of the most promising given the obvious suitability of the Wii U GamePad for mimicking a motion tracker. However, since then the game has never been seen in public and has never had an official release date. Considering the behind the scenes revelations for the other versions it seems very likely that the Wii U version was never even started.

According to insiders the other console versions were completed in just nine months and Gearbox themselves only worked on the multiplayer. Not only did the final game bare little relation to the impressive-looking demo shown to the press, but Sega was recently reprimanded by the Advertising Standards Agency for using the demo footage in TV ads.

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