Comcast XFINITY App Comes to BlackBerry, iOS Gets an Update

Posted by at 8:47 am on August 22, 2011

Comcast has announced that it has developed a version of its free XFINITY app for BlackBerry devices. The app allows BlackBerry users to schedule programs remotely, as well as stay connected to XFINITY voice- and e-mail. Comcast has also announced that it has updated its  free XFINITY app  for the iPad and iPhone.

The XFINITY app for iOS devices is designed to make it simpler for users to discover recently-watched content. This could be whether it’s a channel users have tuned to, or content users have watched on-demand or streamed from an iPad or iPhone.

Comcast explains the new feature this way:

“You’re at the airport catching up on HBO’s “True Blood” on your iPad while you wait for your flight. Boarding starts, so you stop playback, close the app and get on the plane. You arrive at the hotel, settle in and can now resume watching. Previously, you’d have to search back through the Play Now catalog to find the right episode. Not the most arduous task, but time-consuming nonetheless. Now, you’ll be able to simply click on Previously Played and your five most recent pieces of Play Now content will appear. Just click the content, hit resume and start watching. This same feature will also be available to access previously tuned TV channels and on-demand content.”

The app, which has been downloaded by iOS users over 2.6 million times, offers close to 7,000 hours of free streaming content for XFINITY TV users. Streaming content for BlackBerry users is currently limited to on-demand trailers.

iPad Version

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